In May, President Bush announced a major new international initiative to develop an energy security and climate change framework. The first meeting, including leaders from thirteen of the world’s major economies, will take place this week in Washington, D.C. Leaders will discuss ways to address energy security and climate change after the Kyoto protocol expires in 2012. As part of the ultimate process, the group will seek to develop a long-term global goal to reduce greenhouse gases, set near-term nationally-defined strategies to promote energy security and reduce greenhouse gases, and construct work programs in key sectors, such as advanced coal and transportation. The President’s approach has wide support and was endorsed by the G-8 leaders this summer.
President Bush has committed the United States to continued leadership on the issue, and since 2001 has dedicated $37 billion to advance climate-related science, technology, international assistance, and incentive programs. Since 2002, the Administration has spent more than $9 billion of this amount on climate change research and, under his direction; agencies developed a 10-year strategic research plan for climate science that was endorsed by the National Academy of Sciences. In addition, under President Bush’s continued leadership in ozone layer protection, the Montreal Protocol Parties recently agreed to the United States’ proposal to accelerate by ten years the remaining phase-out of certain ozone depleting substances. This action will not only speed up recovery of the ozone layer, but also represents one of the most significant new global actions to confront climate change by reducing the greenhouse gas profile of the phased-out substances.
The President is firmly committed to taking sensible action on climate change that fosters economic growth, engages developed and developing nations, and results in emissions reductions through the advancement of new technologies. He also has set bold goals. In 2002, he announced plans to cut our Nation's greenhouse gas intensity -- how much we emit per unit of economic activity -- by 18 percent by 2012. This administration is carrying out dozens of federal programs, including partnerships, consumer information campaigns, incentives, and mandatory regulations. These programs are directed at developing and deploying cleaner, more efficient energy technologies, conservation, biological sequestration, geological sequestration and adaptation. In his 2007 State of the Union address, the President announced his “20 in 10” energy plan, to replace 20% of our gasoline in ten years through increased vehicle fuel efficiency and a 35 billion gallon alternative fuel mandate.
The Administration’s financial commitment and responsible policies are working, and we are on track to meet, if not exceed, the President’s goal. Initial estimates show in 2006, the U.S. reduced greenhouse gas intensity an astounding 4.1%. Even more promising, absolute emissions declined 1.3% while the economy grew 2.9%."
"Thank you again for sharing your views with us."
Office of Strategic Initiatives
The White House
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